Become a member of SGS and benefit from the united network.
The Swiss Society for Spinal Surgery is the professional organisation of spinal surgeons. SGS unites over 150 committed and motivated specialists in neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery, who are already taking advantage of the many offers and benefits of membership.
We maintain open, honest and lively communication. We appreciate it when our members contribute their own ideas and maintain a lively exchange among each other.
SGS represents its members towards the authorities and tariff partners.
We are committed to
- direct, collegial contact between spinal surgeons of both neurosurgical and orthopaedic origin.
- organisation of regular training events.
- representation of the interests of spinal surgeons to the neurosurgical and orthopaedic societies and other organisations.
- active involvement in the issues of quality assurance, continuing education and training of spinal surgeons.
Your benefits as a member
- Professional political representation of interests.
- Update on political and technical news.
- Access to the members’ portal.
- Access to Guidelines.
- Updates on webinars.
- Updates on congresses.
- Discounted fees for annual meetings.
- Job advertisements.
- Access on Eurospine annual proceeding via EuSSAB.
- Networking.
Ordinary member: (CHF 300.-)
Ordinary members may be recognised specialists in neurosurgery or orthopaedic surgery practising in Switzerland.
Upon application, the Association Meeting may admit other spinal surgeons as ordinary members. Candidates must submit a letter of recommendation from two ordinary members. This condition does not apply to founding members.
Senior member: (CHF 150.-)
Senior members are members who are no longer actively pursuing their activities (after retirement). Senior members do not have voting rights.
Junior member: (CHF 150.-)
Junior members are members who do not yet hold a specialist title. Junior members must notify SGS of the acquisition of the specialist doctorate in order to be automatically continued as an ordinary member thereafter. Junior members do not have voting rights.
Corresponding member: (free)
Corresponding members may be specialists working abroad, provided that it can be demonstrated that their daily activities are mainly or exclusively concerned with spinal pathology. Corresponding members do not pay membership fees and are not entitled to vote.
Extraordinary member: (CHF 150.-)
All physicians interested in the pathology of the spine as well as qualified specialists can become extraordinary members. Candidates must be recommended by two ordinary members. Extraordinary members shall have an advisory vote at the General Meeting of the Association.