The Swiss Society for Spinal Surgery introduces itself

The Swiss Society for Spinal Surgery was founded in 1999. It is the platform and organisation of Swiss spinal surgeons and serves the informal exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of spinal diseases and injuries, the development of recommendations and guidelines for treatment, as well as the promotion of spinal surgery and representation of its members.

It represents the interests of spinal surgeons both nationally and internationally. SGS assumes professional policy tasks on behalf of the Swiss Society of Neurosurgery (SGNC) and the Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (SO).

Among other things, it represents both SO and SGNC in EuSSAB. The latter serves as a communication platform for the European spine societies. Ordinary members can be specialists in neurosurgery and orthopaedic traumatology working in Switzerland.

Members of the Board and Commission

PD Dr. med. Cordula Netzer MBA

PD Dr. med. Cordula Netzer MBA

Deputy Head of Spine Centre Head of Spinal Tumours Head of Translational Spinal Research

Universitätsspital Basel
Spitalstrasse 21
CH-4031 Basel

Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Nic Hausmann

Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Nic Hausmann


Neuro- und Wirbelsäulenzentrum
Klinik St. Anna

St. Anna-Strasse 32
CH-6006 Luzern

Prof. Dr. med. Enrico Tessitore

Prof. Dr. med. Enrico Tessitore

Head Physician Neurosurgery

Hôpitaux Universitaires Genève
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
CH-1205 Genf

Prof. Dr. med. Oliver P. Gautschi

Prof. Dr. med. Oliver P. Gautschi


Neuro- und Wirbelsäulenzentrum
Klinik St. Anna

St. Anna-Strasse 32
CH-6006 Luzern

PD Dr. med. Pietro Scarone

PD Dr. med. Pietro Scarone

Head Physician Spine Center

Clinica Santa Chiara-Moncucco
Via Franscini 4
CH-6600 Locarno

PD Dr. med. David Bellut

PD Dr. med. David Bellut

Deputy Clinic Director Clinic for Neurosurgery Senior Physician, Clinic for Neurosurgery

Universitätsspital Zürich
Rämistrasse 100
CH-8091 Zürich

PD Dr. med. Fabrice A. Külling

PD Dr. med. Fabrice A. Külling

Wirbelsäulenzentrum Ostschweiz
Gesundheitszentrum, Haus 04
Brauerstrasse 95a
CH-9016 St.Gallen

PD Dr. med. Moritz C. Deml

PD Dr. med. Moritz C. Deml

Co-Head of Spine Surgery, Head of Paediatric Spine Surgery, Head Surgeon, Special Spinal Surgery FMH, Specialist for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology

INSELSPITAL, Universitätsspital Bern | Department für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie
Freiburgstrasse 8
CH-3010 Bern

Dr. med. Raoul Heilbronner

Dr. med. Raoul Heilbronner

Neurochirurgie FMH Interdisziplinärer Schwerpunkt für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Wirbelsäulenzentrum Ostschweiz
Gesundheitszentrum, Haus 04
Brauerstrasse 95a
CH-9016 St.Gallen

Dr. med. Patrick Moulin

Dr. med. Patrick Moulin

Senior Consultant Orthopaedics and Spine Surgery

Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil