Interdisciplinary focus on spinal surgery
Detailed information on the interdisciplinary specialisation in spinal surgery can be found here.
In 2024 the examination will take place as follows:
Friday, 15 November 2024, Orthopaedics Sonnenhof, Bern
Times: individual examination times
Registration deadline is 31 July 2024.
The following conditions apply for authorisation:
- Specialist title in neurosurgery or orthopaedics.
- at least 2 years of the 3 years of compulsory study specified in the priority programme.
- Training period for the interdisciplinary specialisation.
- at least 80 % of the operations specified in the priority programme as surgeon 1 or 2.
Enclose the following documents with the application:
- Proof of specialist title.
- Confirmation from the current head of the training centre.
- Information on further training.
- Anonymised surgical reports according to the required numbers, sorted by category (1 PDF per surgical category).
Once you have completed and submitted the form and the necessary documents, you are deemed to have registered for the examination. Your dossier will be examined in detail and further information will follow by e-mail.
You can register for the examination as soon as 80% of the required operations have been demonstrably performed. If the examination is passed, the title will only be awarded once proof of the other criteria has been provided in the title application.
The examination fee is CHF 1000. A further CHF 2000 will be invoiced upon application for the title (see “Application for specialisation title”)
Application for the specialisation title according to transitional provisions:
If you have any questions and/or wish to apply for the specialisation title in accordance with the transitional provisions, please contact the Commission at: